TanksI've been looking into tanks for my leg modification, tanks can support a lot of armour without compensating speed they are a well balanced and mostly unstoppable force capable of suppressing any enemy. Tanks have changed only slightly since the introduction of a rotating turret, only slight modifications have been developed with the help of new materials and computer guidance. Tanks are a perfect platform for any weapon to be mounted upon, and because they have all terrain tracks they can be used in almost any situation.
Tank Development
Mk 1Tanks started out as the one above, low profile sluggish tanks that had cannons mounted either side of the vehicle which could rotate left and right you can see the HUD of the tank in the center. this type of tank is a good design because of its multiple cannons it can attack two targets simultaneously.
It wasn't until the French created the Renault FT 17 that things started looking like the tanks we know today this is because the FT 17 was the first to feature a rotating turret rather than the side mounted ones which were ineffective at certain angles, the FT 17 was considered a light tank due to the heavy machine gun mounted inside the turret instead of a cannon.
Renault FT 17 The Land IroncladsA short story written by H.G. Wells about large land vehicles which had remote controlled guns all around it, which some say is the idea behind the creating of tanks, Wells was inspired by Leonardo da Vinci (1) who also had an idea similar to his. Wells tanks were steam powered monsters Which could house many soldiers
"The Ironclads are 100 ft long machines with remote controlled guns and accommodation for 42 soldiers, including 7 officers.
They move with small wheels with feet called "Pedrails", and attain a maximum of 8 mph. Many politicians during WWI wished to apply the concept and make real Ironclads. The First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill and the Landships Committee developed the first tanks in WWI without Wells' involvement, Wells was embittered and developed an aversion to politics for a short time. It is said that this story was the starting point of tanks in World War I." (2)
H.G. Wells - Land Ironclad
Leonardo da Vinci's 'tank'Fantasy Tanksunlike in real life tanks in games is always evolving some keep the same basic designs but develop them with high tech fantasy elements, because there are no limits a tank can become anything.
Stealth TankCommand and Conquer has made changes to the classic tank design to Incorporate strange weapons and details, the Stealth tank by the team NOD is one such tank it has existing track supports but they're segmented, it does have a turret but its equipped with a salvo of rockets rather then the traditional cannon and it has optical camouflage more than just radar stealth.
NOD's Stealth Tanktachikomais a fantasy tank from the series 'Ghost in The Shell' its used as a light assault tank used mainly for suppression and light vehicle disposal it features its own AI and passenger transport in the rear, a main grenade launcher in the center and duel machine guns in the front hands, like how it looks it also has synthetic spider like strands that it can attach to walls and objects to swing around. in the series the Tachikoma is fitted with various components to suit different situations and civilian duties.
tachikomaLand RaiderThe Land raider is a super heavy tank in the Warhammer 40k Universe it has a design consistant with the MK 1 tank but bigger with a huge amount of weaponry attached to it, instead of cannons it has lazers and bolters engaging multiple units around it making it similar to a battlefortress, its large structure and heavy armour makes this tank suparse top rotating tanks.
Land Raider(1) http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/worldwars/wwone/gallery_tank_01.shtml
(2) http://www.ozebook.com/ozebook/landironclads.htm